Of Kings, Queens and Thrones
Is There a Common Sense Solution? It's been said that modern problems demand modern solutions. I would tend to agree. Although many of a culture's mores are very hardy and seem to stand the test of time, others are much less static and evolve with the changing fashions and sensibilities. For example, I think back to my youth when the danger of exposure to pornography was mostly confined to the discovery of a dad's or brother's Playboy magazine secreted beneath their mattress. To say that things have changed in that regard would be to make an understatement of mythical proportions. Technology and the internet now make the dangers of porn a massively more egregious problem, not only in its ease of availability, but also in the degree of depravity that is now no more than a finger swipe away from access to our frontal lobes. One needn't be a Victorian era prude to realize that the sea change which has occurred with the development...