
Showing posts from January, 2020

What the Frock???

    Rethinking the Feminization of our Boys       Welcome to Progressive Island! Where the freedom to be yourself is exalted; where the siren call to follow your heart is a cardinal virtue; where the whim becomes the way and where rules are for fools. It is a dreamland of endless options and a plethora of possibilities where, for the purveyance of a small fee to our modern-day Mr. Roarke, we can enjoy all the bliss that a life without scruples will most assuredly avail. We can partake of any and all thoughts and actions without fear of reprisal from authority. We are free to act with abandon, damn the consequences and then relegate the knowledge of the bills coming due for those actions to the backs of our minds, vacuously confident that as the consequences remain out of our minds, so too they will remain out of our lives. But they won't. We members of the human race have always harbored a propensity to contravene convention. We disl...