Stefan Molyneux Speaks Truth to Power

It's Time to Speak Plainly

It’s always distasteful watching Hollywood celebrities like Meryl Streep stand before a room full of their showbiz cohorts at one of those lavish “Dig Me” parties, and harp to the cameras about how mistreated they are, how misunderstood they are, how vilified they are, and yes, how McCarthyite their detractors in flyover country are for daring to call them out on their empty virtue signaling and self-promoting social justice screeds. To see them cry crocodile tears to a room full of their pampered, fellow-travelling social justice cheerleaders—who, not coincidentally, agree with their politics and social justice platforms at a rate of 99.9%--and then have the audacity to proclaim how BRAVE they are for regurgitating boilerplate platitudes to a room full of people who think exactly as they do…well, in  my opinion you’d have to tune in to the The View to witness ruminations as childish and bankrupt.

If you would be interested in witnessing a public speech which is both TRULY brave and delivered with understated elegance, may I suggest to you this speech by Stefan Molyneux, given before members of the European Union Parliament. To stand before such a powerful body (who most undoubtedly differ wildly from him in their outlooks) and rain on their parade in such a clear and unequivocal voice…now THAT is bravery. It’s a magnificent presentation, and drives home his point—with utmost clarity, thoughtful insight, and hard data—that big tech censorship is anathema to a supposedly free state or union. To call yourself a democracy, whilst at the same time penalizing and silencing every contrary voice and opinion, is sophistry of a most damnable order. They may be fooling some, but, as Stefan most articulately points out, they aren’t fooling everyone. There is a large and growing segment of the population that has become wise to their totalitarian machinations. These companies have come to believe that they can get away with this partisan censorship—and perhaps they will—because they are on the side of the gods of progressivism. But we now know—in large part because of the alternative media, which big tech does their best to silence for self-serving and painfully obvious reasons—what they are up to. We know how they are sparing no expense to propagandize and indoctrinate us into their belief systems, and although they are reaping their fair share of victories, they will lose in the end—not because we will outfight or outlast them—but because their ideas are selfish, covetous and perennially calamitous in the extreme, and an awake population is a population which will no longer swallow force-fed tyranny.


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