
Showing posts from 2019

Relax. Donald Trump is just a Speed Bump

By John Davis We Will Return to our Regular Programming Momentarily          Be of good cheer, comrades. For those of you who have been pitching wildly between suicidal depression and paroxysms of rage over the results of the 2016 presidential election and the fact that our 45th President's heart is, as of this writing, still beating, do not be crestfallen. The inexorable march of history will pick up right where it left off at the end of this president's first (or perhaps second) term and--quicker than you can say Barrack Obama had no major scandals in his entire eight-year administration--we will be back on course to fulfilling all of your university-instilled fantasies whilst taking another giant leap forward towards  fundamentally transforming this once-great country into the dime-a-dozen, destitute and disease-ridden third-world acreage that, for some reason, seems to send nouveau intellectual hearts into spasms of a-fibtastic rapture. ...

Noogies for Naughty Nationalists

  Noogies for Naughty Nationalists Our Current and Convenient Bogeyman        I just received the new Foreign Affairs magazine in the mail a few days ago. For those of you who might not know, Foreign Affairs is the signature publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the world's premier semi-secret societies (think Bohemian Grove minus the citronella candles and KY Jelly), where political elites from around the globe confab about issues of the day, formulate strategies for the congealing of various and disparate oleaginous tin pot dictatorships into a smooth-running one-world kleptocracy, and on occasion deign which countries of constipated congeniality towards the one-world zeitgeist are in need of a cruise missile high colonic.      With an organization of such pedigree, one might ask why I would want to receive such a rag of propaganda, pomp and nonsense. Am I on board with the New World Order's designs o...

Karl and Friedrich's Execrable Adventure

  Karl and Friedrich's Execrable Adventure   The Vogue of Bad Ideas           Having undertaken the chore of slogging through some of the verbose ramblings of Karl Marx in his The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and after hearing and reading many erudite and reasoned assessments of the great bearded sage’s life and theories, I have come to the reasoned understanding that Karl could best be summed up as a layabout, itinerant moocher and generally worthless consumer of the fruits of other people’s labor, who endeavored to justify his sins of indolence by penning wordy ramblings of suspect credibility in order to cover for his glaringly parasitic existence.       He has been hailed by many as one of the great theoreticians, polemists and political thinkers of the modern era. His theories have been hailed as weighty, profound and intellectually engaging. They have stirred the mi...