Relax. Donald Trump is just a Speed Bump
Be of good cheer, comrades. For those of you who have been pitching wildly between suicidal depression and paroxysms of rage over the results of the 2016 presidential election and the fact that our 45th President's heart is, as of this writing, still beating, do not be crestfallen. The inexorable march of history will pick up right where it left off at the end of this president's first (or perhaps second) term and--quicker than you can say Barrack Obama had no major scandals in his entire eight-year administration--we will be back on course to fulfilling all of your university-instilled fantasies whilst taking another giant leap forward towards fundamentally transforming this once-great country into the dime-a-dozen, destitute and disease-ridden third-world acreage that, for some reason, seems to send nouveau intellectual hearts into spasms of a-fibtastic rapture.
I have reason to be very certain in that prognostication: it seems a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a baker's dozen or so of massively wealthy bankers, industrialists and some of their acquaintances in the religion business decided that it would be really cool (and advantageous for them and their kinfolk) to turn this big, crazy world into their own private little fiefdom because...well, because WHO WOULDN'T DO IT IF THEY COULD? AmIright??? So these self-appointed Masters of the Universe put their little noggins together and--since they aren't all blithering nincompoops, and probably even studied a little history on their way to their Rhodes scholarships--came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to go about the business of subordinating the rest of the world would be to create a few highly secret little clubs--organizations to which they could congregate, augment with family, friends and people of like mind, and round out with the assorted tag-a-longs and lackeys necessary for the less-than-glamorous grunt work that ruling the universe would certainly entail--and then use those secret societies to coalesce power from around the globe; join in common cause to eliminate competition and destroy troublemakers; use their increased wealth and power to intimidate and/or bribe governments and politicians, and wrest control of necessary commodities such as food and fuel from private hands and bring them under the purview of themselves and their subsidiaries.
They also realized that hoodwinking the proles into believing that their politicians and corporate overlords were working on their behalf and in their interests would be much easier if the airwaves were filled with all the right and properly vetted messages. So cornering the market in news media was high on their list, as was the liberal use of Jesuit drama on the theater screens and television sets of the passive and receptive sponges in their world-wide audience. So when you settle in to watch that big new Hollywood blockbuster, or catch the latest episode of that hot new television sitcom, or tune in to hear the opening monologue by any of the various and sundry late-night talk show hosts, and you begin to feel a nagging sense of deja vu creeping over you--that they are all pitching the same line, propagating the same viewpoints, and endorsing all the same politicians--you can be sure that is no accident. Vast stores of wealth have been allotted to the task of bringing us all into right thinking and submission, and if that task can be accomplished without firing a shot--more the better.
So what we basically have here is a stage-managed, very Matrix-like obfuscation of reality by the big money boys (and occasional girl) behind the scenes. Barry Goldwater was one of the few people in politics who really had a handle on the situation and wasn't afraid to say it (and make no mistake, that behavior consigned him to perpetual also-ran status and doomed his 1964 presidential bid.) Then-Senator Goldwater made the observation:
"When we change presidents, it is understood to mean that the voters are ordering a change in national policy. Since 1945 three different Republicans have occupied the White House for a period of sixteen years. Four Democrats have held this most powerful post for seventeen years. With the exception of the first seven years of the Eisenhower administration, there had been no appreciable change in foreign or domestic policy direction...When a new President comes on board, there is a great turnover in personnel but no change in policy. Example: During the Nixon years Henry Kissinger, CFR member and Nelson Rockefeller's protege, was in charge of foreign policy. When Jimmy Carter was elected, Kissinger was replaced by Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and David Rockefeller's protege."
It has never really mattered much who the American people elected to the presidency; their choices were always corralled by the fact that those on the ballot had already been vetted, groomed, powdered and perfumed by the elites in their secret little confab hideaways. There was no actual choice involved; the whole kabuki theater of a presidential election was just for the pacification of the teeming hordes--a means to keep them subdued and passive in the face of the persistent and unstoppable decimation of their societal mores. The game was rigged, the fix was in, the deck was stacked...and then along came Donald Trump.
His candidacy was quintessentially American in so many ways. He was a reluctant contender. He didn't seem interested in entering the ring at all. He had all the money, power and prestige most any man could dream of. I think he would have been very happy to stay out of the fray and just look out for number one, but even the mention of his possible candidacy caused such bellicose rantings from the entertainment world (which would include not only the movies and television, but also the news media---which is nothing if not entertaining) and derision from such notable lightweights and gasbags as Seth Meyers that, being indisposed to backing down from bullies, he decided to throw his hat into the ring.
And the media went delirious.
The Hollywood stars and starlets were beside themselves. The talking heads stammered in dazed confusion at the audacity of the big orange guy. All were ecstatic with the prospect of this oversized lug representing the dim bulbs in flyover country. This was going to be a cakewalk. Even Hillary got on board with the orgiastic zeitgeist, and went into cahoots with her pals in the media to showcase and play up Trump's campaign activities in order to hopefully force him into the position of Republican nominee, in the flawed and ultimately hysterical belief that he would be eminently beatable--even by someone with all the daunting negatives and charmless persona that Hillary Clinton saw every morning in her bathroom mirror.
Well, as so happens every now and again, the fixers miscalculated. They hadn't counted on the mistrust and hatred in middle America for all things Washington elite to manifest themselves so concertedly. The puffed up egocentricity of the elites and their minions in the news and entertainment industries was on such putrid display in the run up to the election that the backlash against it was a forgone conclusion. It's hard to believe they were so thick as to not see it coming. Granted, they'd had control of the propaganda ministries in this country for so long that I imagine their hubris was understandable. But the people got a chance--and as demographics is destiny, perhaps their last chance--to tell the moneyed elites that their New World Odor was pure BO, and they rejected it in the best way they knew how--at the ballot box.
But, sadly, as Barry Goldwater alluded to above, the machinery of control in not only this country, but most of the countries around the world, has been in place and building for so long that the possibility of rolling it back would be a Herculean and nearly impossible task. The bad guys are winning. It's a sad outlook and one that I don't really enjoy holding, but I'm also a realist. Donald Trump was an anomaly. He certainly isn't perfect, and I have no trouble acknowledging when he does something stupid or puts his foot in his mouth, but even his verbal Tourettes can have endearing qualities. After countless years of political double talk and meaningless platitudes from our politicians, it's been rather pleasant to have someone in office who speaks his mind without the benefit of speech-writing handlers and teleprompters. For all his wealth and notoriety he really comes off as one of us--just another American. And that is something we haven't had in quite a few years.
Donald Trump has done a number of good things for this country during his presidency so far. I won't go on to enumerate them here as those points and those debates are out there for all to see and comment upon at their leisure. But I think the most important aspect of his presidency is that he might truly be an outsider and a bull in the New World Odor's china shop. He may even be a criminal, but least he isn't their criminal. That alone has been worth the price of admission, and I'm happy I got to partake in the little nose-thumbing that was the election of Donald Trump in 2016. He isn't perfect. He may in fact still screw the pooch and disappoint all of us in the future, but for now it's been a real joy to watch the establishment heads exploding; to see the Hollywood useful idiots losing their minds; to see CNN called out for the propaganda mouthpiece that it really is. These have all been glorious, but be that as it may, make no mistake, the rebellion will soon be over and the chess masters at the true helm of our government and industry will reassert their control. They will soldier on as they tirelessly and nearly seamlessly steer us all into ultimate submission to their one-world government. It won't be pretty, but oh how lovely it was to spit in their eyes just this once. I'm afraid we might never again get that opportunity.
I have reason to be very certain in that prognostication: it seems a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a baker's dozen or so of massively wealthy bankers, industrialists and some of their acquaintances in the religion business decided that it would be really cool (and advantageous for them and their kinfolk) to turn this big, crazy world into their own private little fiefdom because...well, because WHO WOULDN'T DO IT IF THEY COULD? AmIright??? So these self-appointed Masters of the Universe put their little noggins together and--since they aren't all blithering nincompoops, and probably even studied a little history on their way to their Rhodes scholarships--came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to go about the business of subordinating the rest of the world would be to create a few highly secret little clubs--organizations to which they could congregate, augment with family, friends and people of like mind, and round out with the assorted tag-a-longs and lackeys necessary for the less-than-glamorous grunt work that ruling the universe would certainly entail--and then use those secret societies to coalesce power from around the globe; join in common cause to eliminate competition and destroy troublemakers; use their increased wealth and power to intimidate and/or bribe governments and politicians, and wrest control of necessary commodities such as food and fuel from private hands and bring them under the purview of themselves and their subsidiaries.
They also realized that hoodwinking the proles into believing that their politicians and corporate overlords were working on their behalf and in their interests would be much easier if the airwaves were filled with all the right and properly vetted messages. So cornering the market in news media was high on their list, as was the liberal use of Jesuit drama on the theater screens and television sets of the passive and receptive sponges in their world-wide audience. So when you settle in to watch that big new Hollywood blockbuster, or catch the latest episode of that hot new television sitcom, or tune in to hear the opening monologue by any of the various and sundry late-night talk show hosts, and you begin to feel a nagging sense of deja vu creeping over you--that they are all pitching the same line, propagating the same viewpoints, and endorsing all the same politicians--you can be sure that is no accident. Vast stores of wealth have been allotted to the task of bringing us all into right thinking and submission, and if that task can be accomplished without firing a shot--more the better.
So what we basically have here is a stage-managed, very Matrix-like obfuscation of reality by the big money boys (and occasional girl) behind the scenes. Barry Goldwater was one of the few people in politics who really had a handle on the situation and wasn't afraid to say it (and make no mistake, that behavior consigned him to perpetual also-ran status and doomed his 1964 presidential bid.) Then-Senator Goldwater made the observation:
"When we change presidents, it is understood to mean that the voters are ordering a change in national policy. Since 1945 three different Republicans have occupied the White House for a period of sixteen years. Four Democrats have held this most powerful post for seventeen years. With the exception of the first seven years of the Eisenhower administration, there had been no appreciable change in foreign or domestic policy direction...When a new President comes on board, there is a great turnover in personnel but no change in policy. Example: During the Nixon years Henry Kissinger, CFR member and Nelson Rockefeller's protege, was in charge of foreign policy. When Jimmy Carter was elected, Kissinger was replaced by Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and David Rockefeller's protege."
It has never really mattered much who the American people elected to the presidency; their choices were always corralled by the fact that those on the ballot had already been vetted, groomed, powdered and perfumed by the elites in their secret little confab hideaways. There was no actual choice involved; the whole kabuki theater of a presidential election was just for the pacification of the teeming hordes--a means to keep them subdued and passive in the face of the persistent and unstoppable decimation of their societal mores. The game was rigged, the fix was in, the deck was stacked...and then along came Donald Trump.
His candidacy was quintessentially American in so many ways. He was a reluctant contender. He didn't seem interested in entering the ring at all. He had all the money, power and prestige most any man could dream of. I think he would have been very happy to stay out of the fray and just look out for number one, but even the mention of his possible candidacy caused such bellicose rantings from the entertainment world (which would include not only the movies and television, but also the news media---which is nothing if not entertaining) and derision from such notable lightweights and gasbags as Seth Meyers that, being indisposed to backing down from bullies, he decided to throw his hat into the ring.
And the media went delirious.
The Hollywood stars and starlets were beside themselves. The talking heads stammered in dazed confusion at the audacity of the big orange guy. All were ecstatic with the prospect of this oversized lug representing the dim bulbs in flyover country. This was going to be a cakewalk. Even Hillary got on board with the orgiastic zeitgeist, and went into cahoots with her pals in the media to showcase and play up Trump's campaign activities in order to hopefully force him into the position of Republican nominee, in the flawed and ultimately hysterical belief that he would be eminently beatable--even by someone with all the daunting negatives and charmless persona that Hillary Clinton saw every morning in her bathroom mirror.
Well, as so happens every now and again, the fixers miscalculated. They hadn't counted on the mistrust and hatred in middle America for all things Washington elite to manifest themselves so concertedly. The puffed up egocentricity of the elites and their minions in the news and entertainment industries was on such putrid display in the run up to the election that the backlash against it was a forgone conclusion. It's hard to believe they were so thick as to not see it coming. Granted, they'd had control of the propaganda ministries in this country for so long that I imagine their hubris was understandable. But the people got a chance--and as demographics is destiny, perhaps their last chance--to tell the moneyed elites that their New World Odor was pure BO, and they rejected it in the best way they knew how--at the ballot box.
But, sadly, as Barry Goldwater alluded to above, the machinery of control in not only this country, but most of the countries around the world, has been in place and building for so long that the possibility of rolling it back would be a Herculean and nearly impossible task. The bad guys are winning. It's a sad outlook and one that I don't really enjoy holding, but I'm also a realist. Donald Trump was an anomaly. He certainly isn't perfect, and I have no trouble acknowledging when he does something stupid or puts his foot in his mouth, but even his verbal Tourettes can have endearing qualities. After countless years of political double talk and meaningless platitudes from our politicians, it's been rather pleasant to have someone in office who speaks his mind without the benefit of speech-writing handlers and teleprompters. For all his wealth and notoriety he really comes off as one of us--just another American. And that is something we haven't had in quite a few years.
Donald Trump has done a number of good things for this country during his presidency so far. I won't go on to enumerate them here as those points and those debates are out there for all to see and comment upon at their leisure. But I think the most important aspect of his presidency is that he might truly be an outsider and a bull in the New World Odor's china shop. He may even be a criminal, but least he isn't their criminal. That alone has been worth the price of admission, and I'm happy I got to partake in the little nose-thumbing that was the election of Donald Trump in 2016. He isn't perfect. He may in fact still screw the pooch and disappoint all of us in the future, but for now it's been a real joy to watch the establishment heads exploding; to see the Hollywood useful idiots losing their minds; to see CNN called out for the propaganda mouthpiece that it really is. These have all been glorious, but be that as it may, make no mistake, the rebellion will soon be over and the chess masters at the true helm of our government and industry will reassert their control. They will soldier on as they tirelessly and nearly seamlessly steer us all into ultimate submission to their one-world government. It won't be pretty, but oh how lovely it was to spit in their eyes just this once. I'm afraid we might never again get that opportunity.
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