Noogies for Naughty Nationalists

Noogies for Naughty Nationalists

Our Current and Convenient Bogeyman

     I just received the new Foreign Affairs magazine in the mail a few days ago. For those of you who might not know, Foreign Affairs is the signature publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the world's premier semi-secret societies (think Bohemian Grove minus the citronella candles and KY Jelly), where political elites from around the globe confab about issues of the day, formulate strategies for the congealing of various and disparate oleaginous tin pot dictatorships into a smooth-running one-world kleptocracy, and on occasion deign which countries of constipated congeniality towards the one-world zeitgeist are in need of a cruise missile high colonic.

     With an organization of such pedigree, one might ask why I would want to receive such a rag of propaganda, pomp and nonsense. Am I on board with the New World Order's designs on humanity? Do I share in their vision for a coming together of the world's nations in the perfect harmony which apparently only those of high education and massive credentialing are thick enough to give credence? No, actually I enjoy receiving the magazine as a kind of peek into the opposing team's playbook. A chance to get the lowdown on the elite's criminal intent right from the horse's mouth.

     It took only a cursory perusing of the first few articles to pick up the flavor of, I'm sure, the entire cover-to-cover anti-Trump missive. I was a bit surprised --what with the collection of high-powered intellects in authorship--that the Trump bashing was not a bit more camouflaged in frothy academic verbiage. But, quite the contrary, swipes at the evil Orange One and his dim-bulb followers were as blatant and hard to miss as the worst ham-handed progressive prose you would find at Vox or The Daily Beast. I imagine it shouldn't be totally unsurprising that a writer's composition skills and literary flourish would take a hit as his or her discourse devolved into simple character assassination. Jill Lepore, in the magazine's first article out of the gate, finished her essay off with these lively lines:

     "'The history of the United States at the present time does not seek to answer any significant questions...If American historians don't start asking and answering those sorts of questions, other people will..They'll echo Calhoun and Douglas and Father Coughlin. They'll lament American carnage. They'll call immigrants 'animals' and other states 'shit hole countries.' They'll adopt the slogan 'America First.' They'll say they can 'make America great again.' They'll call themselves 'nationalists.' Their history will be a fiction They will say that they alone love this country. They will be wrong.'"

     Wow! What a heaping pile of trash talk all crammed into one smoldering dung heap of a paragraph. The overarching premise in the little ad hominem attack--as she states quite clearly--is that, of course, there are only certain historians who are capable and reliable enough to relate the deeper meanings of history (in Cliff's Notes form, of course) to the uneducated masses, and to point our way forward to the glorious new global village of tomorrow. Coincidentally, it goes without saying, these historians will be the ones who have attended all the right colleges and universities (Ms. Lepore being a Harvard professor, not coincidentally), and have the requisite uniformity of outlook necessary for the kudos, credentialing and approbation of their globalist financiers. These historians, sufficiently molded and brain washed into correct thinking at our university processing plants, will then assume the tutelage of the upcoming cadres of technocrats and middle managers, who will then assume leadership of the masses in the ways of right thinking. As a Carla Norrlof says in a subsequent article:

     "Economic dislocation did account for some of Trump's appeal, but his support can be much better explained by education and race. Nationally, voters without college degrees backed Trump by eight points, while those with degrees voted for his opponent, Hillary Clinton, by nine points. That was a major change from the previous presidential election, when there was little difference between the two groups. Among white voters, the gap was even wider: whites without a college education went for Trump by a 39-point margin; those with a college education voted for him by just a four-point margin.

     See why a college education, has become so important in this country? See why it's not only great to get the majority of kids in this country eye-deep in debt and bondage to their government caretakers, but also why it's mandatory to get them massively indoctrinated in the ways of the coming glorious global village? Independent thinkers are the bane of the global elites; they are an existential threat to those with designs on world-wide dominion. You can see the success of the indoctrination of our children in the recent spate of verbal and physical attacks on college campuses against those who resist conformity with contemporary leftist mores. These young people are today's brown shirts, who unwittingly and with great exuberance cower and marginalize all those who resist the engineered zeitgeist. In utter ignorance of their utility, they employ and foment chaos in the furtherance of national destruction.

     The idea of resurgent nationalism in the world is not repudiated by academics and pundits because of its supposed link to Nazism, but because it is a sign of a desire among peoples for independence, not only of their nations and institutions, but also their customs, ideologies, their thoughts and their dreams. This independent thinking is anathema to the globalists, and it is being battled not only in the back  room confederacies and secret societies--as it has been for hundreds of years--but is now even being targeted on the front lines: academia, news outlets, Hollywood movies, television shows, journalism--they are all part of the perfect storm of societal realignment. Their vitriol is over-the-top and emblematic of the near-total control that has been achieved over them by their globalist handlers in an ongoing and highly successful Fabian socialist manner of war. 

     Donald Trump is just a talisman. He is the movie screen on which the easily duped are told to project all evil. He is the rallying point for al those who are told to fear that which they don't understand. He is also the lead actor in the globalist's kabuki theater. He is the convenient focal point to distract the masses from the globalist's real problem: how to consolidate disparate nations into a one-world government when the will of the people is contrary. Nationalism is the new bogeyman. It is the problem to be overcome in order to usher in world government. Make no mistake, any and every available method can and will be used to subjugate the people of the world under centralized control. Nationalism is just the current focus of their attack, as are Donald Trump and Brexit as tangible examples of that nationalistic momentum. And all of these are just the latest items in an ever-changing laundry list of people, institutions and ideas  to be overcome in the race to world domination--a dream and desire as old as man himself.



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